- About
Spending Christmas in hospital is always tough but you can help Northamptonshire Health Charity make a difference and bring a smile to patients by making a donation to our Christmas Gifts appeal, helping to ensure every patient receives a gift on Christmas day.
The charity supports your local NHS hospitals - Northampton General Hospital, Kettering General Hospital, and all the community and mental health hospitals in the county (Berrywood, Isebrook, Corby, St Marys and more) under Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. There are many patients, mostly elderly, that have nobody, which means no visitors and no gifts on Christmas day.
Thanks to the continued and generous support from the local community last year, every inpatient received a gift bag containing items, which helped to remind them that people were thinking about them. Every year, the charity team is blown away by the generosity and kindness shown by everyone in helping to achieve this goal.
All donations, however big or small, will help to make a big difference to so many people this Christmas.
If you would like to read more about our Christmas appeal please visit our website: www.northamptonshirehealthcharity.co.uk/christmas